Sitemap - 2022 - Derw
Embracing and appreciating your own work
Make your own TEA (The Elm Architecture)
Recharging energy by taking an open source vacation
The many forms of past-time passions
The case for building something wonderful alone
All branches will diverge from the stem: from Elm to Derw
Writing a bootstrapping compiler and the progressive translation of Derw - July 2022
Designing an ML-family language on top of TypeScript: import and export syntax
Derw: hydrating the web language landscape, May 2022 status
Derw: a language to make web programming sane, April 2022 status
Finding time to work on a side project
On working through difficult problems
Derw, a useful ML-like language for the web, status: Feburary 2022
Derw, a friendly ML-like language for the web, status: January 2022, part 2
Derw status: January 2022 part 1 - Html support, infrastructure, and kernel code